街の発展 街の発展

町長の依頼をこなそう 町長の依頼をこなそう

As you continue to ship things out from your farm and explore the town, the mayor will eventually come to you with requests for help on his town development project. If you can complete these requests, Olive Town will gain new infrastructure!

Check the Bulletin Board

You can view requests from the mayor and the townsfolk on the bulletin board inside of Olive Hall. If you put in the time and effort to complete them, you'll be rewarded for your efforts!

Earning New Titles

Meeting certain conditions will grant you new titles to use. Your title can be changed anytime from the "Status" menu of your notebook. Earning new titles will also net you rewards from the box in the center of Olive Hall, so be sure to check it out when you can.

住人と交流しよう 住人と交流しよう

There are plenty of people to get to know in town, and talking with them once daily will increase their friendship with you. They won't turn down presents, either, especially if you get them something they like. Some special events will only occur if you raise your friendship with someone, which could eventually lead to asking them out...or even marriage!

Checking Birthdays

Everyone in town has a birthday to celebrate. If you give them a present on their birthday, your friendship with them will increase even more than usual.

Everyone Has Their Own Schedule!

Everyone in town generally has a set schedule they stick to throughout the week. You can check to see where they're at by taking a gander at the "Map" menu in your notebook. Give it a look if you're ever wondering where someone is!

お店を利用しよう お店を利用しよう

You can find all sorts of shops in town, some of which will even help you out with your agricultural endeavors on the farm. Make sure to keep their opening and closing times in mind before you pay them a visit!

Developing the Town Means More to See and Do!

Progressing through the story will lead to new changes around town. Try fulfilling Mayor Victor's special requests and see how Olive Town grows!

お祭りに参加しよう お祭りに参加しよう

Two festivals will be held in town per season. You can view which festivals are coming next by taking a peek at the "Calendar" section of your notebook, or by talking with other people in town to get the latest scoop. Some festivals will feature competitive events with mini-games, while others feature more romantic events you can take part in with your special someone.