農作・果樹栽培 農作・果樹栽培

作物を育てよう 作物を育てよう

After planting seeds in the field and making sure to water them every day, they'll be ready to harvest in no time. No water means no growing, so make sure you don't forget! If you're working on growing a seasonal crop and don't finish by the time the seasons change, it will wither away, so keep that in mind when planting crops toward the end of a season! Harvested crops can be shipped out for money, given as gifts, or used as ingredients for cooking.

Tilling the Fields

You can use your hoe on any empty patch of land. Once you do, it'll turn into a fertile square of soil, ready for growing crops. Some locations, such as spaces near the shore or by buildings, can't be tilled.

Planting Seeds

Using seeds on an empty patch of soil will allow you to grow crops there. Be sure to bring your watering can and water it plenty! And don't forget that most crops can only be grown in certain seasons! While some crops can only be harvested once, there are those that will regrow and allow for multiple harvests throughout their season.

Raining? Then No Need to Water!

You should make it a habit to water your crops every day, but if it's raining or snowing, then nature has already taken care of that for you!


Unlike other crops, fruit trees don't need any watering, and you won't need to till any land for them, either. Once a sapling is planted, it'll grow into a full-fledged tree over time and bear fruit once the season is right. Multiple fruit trees can't be planted right next to each other, however, and need at least one square of space between each other in order to grow.