かいぼり・釣り かいぼり・釣り

かいぼりをしてみよう かいぼりをしてみよう

The bucket can be used on puddles, ponds, and lakes. Puddles will yield clay, while ponds and lakes have a chance of holding a treasure chest! Items found in treasure chests can be taken to Reina at the museum for appraisal.

釣りに挑戦する 釣りに挑戦する

Cast out your fishing rod by a body of water, and you're good to go! When the "!" mark appears above the bobber, that's your cue to press the Y Button and start the fishing mini-game.

Hold Down the Y Button to Reel 'Em In

During the fishing mini-game, you'll see a durability gauge and a fish icon on the screen. Hold down the Y Button to reel in your catch—this will make the fish icon rise up. If you can get it all the way to the top, then the fish is yours! Holding the Y Button causes the durability gauge to deplete, however, and you'll fail the mini-game if it runs out.

Pay Attention to the Color of the Fish Icon

The color of the fish will change as you reel it in. Blue means it's tired, white is standard, and red means it's angry. The icon is easier to raise when it's blue, but make sure to let go of the Y Button when it's red, or the durability gauge will drain much faster!