操作方法 操作方法

フィールドでの操作 フィールドでの操作

Left Stick Tilt lightly to walk, or fully to run.
Right Stick Move the camera around.
Right Stick (Press) Change the camera distance.
Directional Buttons Press right and left to select items to use, or up and down to switch between item slots.
A Button Talk to people, examine objects, and pick up items. / Confirms the current selection.
B Button Clear away a facility. / Cancels the current selection.
X Button Open the notebook.
Y Button Use your currently equipped tool or item.
+ Button Open the system menu.

Camera Controls for Taking Photos

Pressing the Y Button with the camera tool highlighted in your item bar will allow you to take photos.

Left Stick Move character.
Right Stick Change camera angle.
Directional Buttons Zoom closer (Up). / Zoom further (Down).
L Button Crouch.
R Button Take picture.
B Button Exit camera mode.
+ Button Open the album.

メニュー画面での操作 メニュー画面での操作

Left Stick / Directional Buttons Select.
A Button Confirm.
B Button Cancel.
L Button / R Button Change tabs.